Marco and Amanda are back in Blood Country, part of the sequel series to the Dragon Award nominated Love at First Bite.
To start with, let’s do the Chapter list while I remember.
Playing in the Sandbox
A shootout someplace a little sandy.
Morning After
Going Back
Taken For a Ride
Amtrack can be a bear.
Flight of Dragons
Yup. Dragons. Because Dragons are cool
Dragon Punched
The chop-saki jokes begin.
(Asian Fusion) Take Out
Friends of Friends
La Cosa Nostra
Elf Help
Yes. I know. The puns. The Puns are bad.
Tea and Blood
Napa Valley of Death
That one just wrote itself.
The Rainbow Tastes You
Hell to Pay
Dirty Business
I think Marco blows up a laundromat.
Nocked and Loaded
Because bows and arrows.
Blow Back
Big Trouble, Little Napa
Oh yeah. Those jokes kick in around here.
Droning On
Dial M for Magic
Reach Out and Touch Someone
Play Through
Death Trap
Path of the Vampire
I believe this is when I take Amanda off the chain.
Enter Night
All in the Reflexes
Yes. There’s a theme.
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