I’m working on coming up with new copy on The Neck Romancer, and I’m running out of steam.
Am I going to keep writing the vampire saga? Maybe. There is an opening for that to continue.
Let’s face it, Honeymoon From Hell wasn’t going to happen … until it did.
Sometimes, my imaginary friends don’t want to play with me, and sometimes they don’t want to leave me alone.
To some degree, Marco and Amanda didn’t really leave me alone. They popped up again for the Storming Area 51 anthology, and then in a few other short stories for anthologies that didn’t want them. (Nothing personal folks, the stories ended up in the books anyway.)
We won’t even go into Tommy Nolan. I’ve written three short stories since that series ended. (See: Cirsova magazine, for starters)
But yes, Marco and Amanda may never leave me alone. And the next chapter in their life is going to be interesting. Once they tell me what’s going on.
Frankly, this is all going surprisingly well. The Kickstarter went better than I could have foreseen. And so far, my ranking isn’t bad either
So, everything is going okay. I can’t say that it’s going to plan, because I can’t say that I had a plan.
The only thing that would make things better is if dad could have read these books.
Anyway, if you haven’t bought a copy of The Neck Romancer, please do. If you haven’t read the Love at First Bite series, I will recommend reading them as well.
And if you have read the series and pre-ordered a copy of The Neck Romancer, please share the book around.
Illegitimi non carborundum, y’all.
Great to hear the kickstarter went well!
I truly believe that those in Heaven [or even Purgatory!] are aware of us. In his own way, your dad will/has read your books, Declan.
God bless,