I’m in yet another Fantastic Schools anthology. I’m even named on the cover.
I don’t know how this keeps happening. Honest I don’t.
I remember this particular short story because I wrote it from a hotel room in April of 2023. There were hours to go on the deadline. I banged it out in about three hours. I had my wife read through it to make certain that all of the words were in the right order and made sense.
But yes, I wrote a “sport” short story.
My character, Manu Stewart, used to be a Special Operator who dealt with wizards in his specialty. When he’s hijacked to be a professor, what’s he going to do as a sport?
Then I asked the editors if she would consider precision sports.
Enter the short story “Range Day.”
This is only the cover reveal, but you might want to look up the previous volumes if you haven’t already. I’m in volumes six and seven
Very nice!
When's the release date?