Before we begin the post proper, I had someone return a copy of The Neck Romancer this week, because he was concerned it might be too sexual for him.
Yes. Really.
But he had his reasons, and they were personal to him, and if I were in his position, I’d be cautious as well. But it just struck me as … interesting. I guess.
Anyway, Cross Over.
Clearly, I am deeply subtle.
Even the cover … well, you might be able to piece together what my wife used to piece together the cover.
A little from column A.
A little from column B.
And a LOT of fire to cover up the fact that neither image has legs…
That was … more detail than I intended to get into with the artwork. Clearly, I didn’t make the cover, because it doesn’t look eye-bleeding or bland.
Anyway, this is a book I’ve been alluding to for some time. It was hinted at by the end of Deus Vult and bits and pieces throughout other novels in the St. Tommy NYPD series. I believe Nolan made mention of “A vampire who goes to confession and a psychopath with a medical degree” somewhere in later books.
But there’s a problem when you have two series with two different publishers: IPs. IPs are a thing.
When I was originally going to run Honeymoon From Hell past Three Ravens Press to continue the series, Cross Over was going to be the only self-published novel. It seemed like the only solution to the whole mess. It didn’t really effect the overarching plot with the supernatural weapons dealers, the creature behind these mini-bosses, and it filled a particular desire my fanbase had expressed for a while now.
Then Three Ravens had the slight problem of not being able to accept IPs they didn’t control. No, it’s not a control issue, but a time issue. I went from publishing one book to publishing them all myself.
Why not go to Tuscany Bay Press for the whole thing? Because it’s still a sequel to an IP they don’t control.
Should I have told Three Ravens I’ll take them back and give the whole thing to Tuscany Bay?
Keep in mind, I was largely done with this series in May of last year. Three Ravens Press announced they were unable to do new IPs in June. I was eager to get back to my other works, so I planned to publish it in between July and October.
Then it was suggested I run a Kickstarter. More time.
So now we’re on the schedule we’re on now.
The Neck Romancer is out —and available for a Dragon Award in best horror.
Blood country is out.
Wyverns Never Die is out — and available for a Dragon Award in best cover art (Vote for Vanessa Landry).
Cross Over is coming out 3/26.
And Fae’d To Black is coming out in … May. I think.
Yes. I’m a little vague. I’m tired. I’m 43 this month, and the old schedule of working until 2am screws up my sleep schedule for the next week.
Dear God, I almost wish I could be kicked off of social media. Then I won’t have to spend hours a day on X or Facebook just to push my books.
I know I’ve talked more about the process than the actual book, but I think I’ll save that for tomorrow.
So, buy a book. If you’ve bought them all, please review the books.
Non illegitimi carborundum, y’all.