If you’ve been over to my Kickstarter, you’ll note that we’ve met the funding for Honeymoon from Hell.
Who knew?
Anyway, I think there’s something new to shoot for.
Audio books.
Believe it or not, audio books for Love at First Bite is already en route. Three Ravens has worked out a deal with Moira Greyland to record the books. They’re even recorded. They just have to be edited.
I figure that if she’s good enough for the first four books, let’s have her do the next five.
As soon as the Kickstarter hits $2,000, I make the first book available in audio as a option. Every thousand after that equals another audio book. Why a thousand? Because I would like to make some money, and getting readers isn’t cheap.
Can we make $6,000? Well, as we’ve made $1,200 in five days? Yes.
Remember the Kickstarter is good until the end of the month. If you want anything, order. If you want something that isn’t there, comment, and I’ll see if I can make it happen.