One thing that you may have noticed in Honor At Stake is that it’s a romance that doesn't follow the standard formula.
And by “may have noticed,” I mean “After the original release, I’ve gotten several angry emails telling me to put out the next book this very minute, or else.”
Most romances I've seen take place over the course of, at most, a month, and conclude with “him and her” having hooked up at least several times during the novel, and decide that they're going to wander off into the sunset.
Honor At Stake, not so much.
First, it takes pace over the course of two college semesters. Because I'm really sorry, I don’t care it the classical idea of a perfect drama took place over the course of a long weekend, that is not enough time for “boy meets girl and they fall in love,” not even counting the usual formulas.
What's that you say? “Love at first sight?” Don’t even go there.
Anyway, after I took my heroes, beat them, battered them, broke ribs, arms and legs, I had them come to some serious revelations about their feelings, their relationship ... and why it’s nothing but a really bad idea, and wouldn’t it be a really good idea to split them up?
Because I can’t make anything easy on my characters. Because where’s the fun in that.
That scream you hear consist of certain readers howling for my blood.
How exactly can I move the story forward from there?
Welcome to Demons are Forever. And it takes place at the end of Honor At Stake. I don't mean the next minute, the next page, I mean the prologue is part of the end of book 1.
And the next minute? Consequences.
For those who have not read Honor At Stake, my heroes go through waging war on vampires, blew up several vampire bars, and generally wreaked havoc everywhere they went.
So now, time for some consequences. Because not only does Amanda have to justify her actions before the NYC Vampire Association, she has to justify the actions of her friend Marco. To other vampires, Marco looks like her minion, and therefore, he's her responsibility.
For those of you who have read Honor At Stake, you know that could get complicated.
With Demons are Forever, the actions of Honor At Stake impact the plot all over the place. The primary adversary comes after our heroes because of their role in book 1. Merle Kraft's offer is answered because of book 1 fallout.
At the end of the day, one could make the argument that the entire quartet is just one long novel, broken up by boss battles.
Funny enough, the quartet started out as one large novel. It started with Merle Kraft, and it was a way to run into Marco and Amanda along the way, with them having a chemistry that was obvious to everybody. When I decided to break them up, I decided to start with "how does their relationship really develop?”
In Demons, as I expanded it into a full novel from my original 100 pages, I addressed a problem noted in the original book. There was only one problem mentioned in the entire book, in reviews and even a friend of mine made the argument.
The bad guy was “too easy.”
Heh heh heh.
Ahem ... yeah. I can fix that.
Enter Mister Day.
As the flap copy explains.
After saving Brooklyn from a nest of vampires, Amanda Colt and Marco Catalano are a little banged up. He's been given a job offer to deal with vampires in San Francisco, and it's a tempting offer – it would get him away from Amanda, his feelings for her, and get her away from the darkness inside him. When a death in the family compels Marco to move to the West Coast, they're both left to fend for themselves.
But when a creature known only as “Mister Day” leaves their world in tatters, they must once more join forces against the darkness. Only "Day" is no vampire, but a creature beyond their experience. It will take the combined might of Marco, Amanda, and all of their allies just to slow it down. They have no weapons that can kill him. They have no ways to imprison him. To even fight him is death.
But they have to try, or face the end of everything they love.
So, I had some fun here.
I like adding in romance iin my stories too. Nonetheless,I need to be careful and ask how does this advance the plot? Or does it help the characters grow? Etc. I try to end my stories with happy endings, guy gets the girl, wedding bells etc.