On the one hand, The Neck Romancer comes out TOMORROW, 10/23. On the other hand, today should have been a gun post for 10/22.
Though frankly, this will have a limited shelf life for the span of this election.
So do me a favor and make sure you’ve pre-ordered The Neck Romancer. And if you’re one of the Kickstarter backers, please remember to leave a review tomorrow. Thanks.
This election cycle, everyone notes that the Left has a problem getting men to vote for the Left.
My first thought is: What did you expect?
For years, whatever wave of feminism we're on has been more than just anti-male. It’s been pumping up women to the extent where there are idjits who think that they can play Buffy, beat up six foot men, even though they're only 4’11”.
Let's not even discuss the women on IG reels who are 2s, but demand men who are tens (6’6”, making six figures, six-pack abs, etc). If you want to be depressed, they're easy to find. I’d recommend looking at “The Lady J” who spends her time fisking many of these little videos.
Funny enough, this Nth wave Feminist nonsense has led to desiring this “ideal woman” Buffy fantasy.
Ironically, the way to have this ideal has been for feminists to support … trans-women, especially in women's sport. So much for title 9.
You have to love a feminism that thinks the perfect woman is a dude in a dress.
So, the agit-prop is that men are stupid, worthless, useless, unless he cuts his balls off and says he’s a woman. If you’re a woman who desires a man, you can be a neon-haired land whale and you only deserve the best of the best. Even then, the rhetoric is that “my man needs to support me, I don't need to do anything for him.” It’s usually phrased as “What do you bring to the table, ma’am?” and if the response is not “How dare you assume my gender?” the canned response seems to be “I don't need to bring anything to the table” except to exist.
In certain circles, the Chris Rock routine is no longer true: men aren’t even loved for what they can provide. It’s taken for granted, assuming it’s even acknowledged.
Culturally, of course, it’s worse. Look at video games. First, find me a franchise that hasn’t had their male lead replaced by a lady. Second, find me a female lead that hasn’t had her boobs cut off and rendered so that she doesn’t look like a guy.
Pick a Marvel product since Endgame. If there's a male “lead,” the bait and switch kicks in.
Doctor Strange isn't the lead in his own sequel, America Chavez is.
Thor? Which one, Hemsworth or Portman?
Shang-Chi? Nope, his sister and his female best friend and his mother overshadow him.
Don't recast T’Challa, replace him with Shuri, and his mother, and the lady bodyguards. Etc.
While Black Widow had a female lead, apparently, every man in the film is stupid or evil—same with She-Hulk, of course.
Lefty Publishing (IE: TradPub) doesn't encourage books for boys. They actively discourage it. Don't believe me? Look at what lit agents are accepting. On a recent podcast, a panelist told us that her little boy wanted to be a girl “Because boys don't go on adventures.”
Seems the agit-prop is working.
Of course, the propaganda against men is so great, there are idiotic online statements that proclaim “If men disappeared, all women would be safe!” (Because women don't attack other women. Ever. Yeah. Right.) But considering the jobs men do, there would be almost no sanitation, electricians, electricity, law enforcement, paramedics or construction. Also, for those ladies who think it’s a great idea, you better hope that’s a worldwide male shortage, and not national, otherwise that 90% depletion in the military would be felt real fast.
Of course, there’s the “When you’re walking in the woods, would you rather meet a bear or a man?” scenario going the rounds. When women chose the bear, they defended their decision by declaring how much abuse they’ve endured at the hands of men.
It’s so lovely to be caught up in that generalization. Isn’t it?
Of course, no one asked men that question. Because no one cared. But we’d also prefer the bear, because we could shoot the bear. You never know what sort of woman you’re going to get.
Maybe you’re going to get the kind who drugs you. Been there, done that.
How about the one who gaslights you? I knew at least three of them.
Maybe it’s the woman who screams at you because you had a mannerisms that trigger her daddy issues. Not abuse, but he was just strict. That one had been my best friend until she was “triggered” by my dark humor.
In short: that modern feminism hates men. Shocking, right?
The funny thing is that this was visible to a lot of people who watched early Suffragettes—some were violent, some were insane, some were terrorists.
A hundred years later, we’ve come full circle.
But then, when your ideology becomes your identity, this will always happen. To anyone
So for men? Gee whiz, why would men be turned off by this agit-prop?
Why do 40% of men prefer to be left alone than date?
Why are men most of the people who commit suicide?
Why would the left have a men problem?
Because they’ve seen these trends. They’ve heard this rhetoric. They don’t need to be abused, emotionally or otherwise. They know that no one will listen to any needs they might have, so it’s better to be alone and tend to those needs themselves. Can you tell when men’s mental health awareness month is? Congratulations, if you can answer that question, then you’re one of the few who can. No one else cares. Society itself has been geared not to care.
And that’s all on the left. I don’t see anyone on the right pushing it. Do you?
And yes. The above was written with the help of my wife. Because in the end, I got lucky. No. That’s not a pun. I was extremely lucky. The options I had were … well, they all ended badly.
And there are girls who really listen to the Buff agitprop. A doctor trying to counsel a teenager about her abusive boyfriend warned her that the man could really hurt her, but she insisted she could look out for herself, and when he said that the man was stronger, she insisted that was sexist.
That scene from "Endgame"...I remember one of my daughters saying, "That's so cringe!"
I told her to check her privilege because the likeliness of every female character in the MCU being in the same tiny section of that massive battlefield is highly probable. I'm kidding! When I saw that scene, I wanted to throw something at my TV--not because I dislike strong female characters (well-written--not "Mary Sues") but because I hate lazy writing delivering "the message" rather than the good story I paid to see. That scene was forced down our throats. On the other hand, despite its recent faults, "the Mandalorian" did it the right way: On the mission to rescue Grogu from Moff Gideon, Bo-Katan, Cara Dune, Koska Reeves, and Fennec Shand formed a "fire team" to take out stormtroopers while Boba Fett flew "Slave I" (yep, I'm using that name) and Mando hunted for Gideon. The all-female fire team seemed natural, not forced like that scene in "Endgame." While watching, it took me about a minute to realize, "Hey! Those are all women!" From a writing standpoint, that's a good thing, IMO.