Yup, I’ve been busy.
Book three releases all over the place tomorrow.
I had… some fun here.
Heh heh heh.
Sean Patrick Ryan's White Ops team has survived two wars, pirates, a cannibalistic alien horde from another galaxy, space jihadis, and political maneuvering. Their boss thinks they deserve a break and sends them to the "happiest place in the galaxy."
Luckily for Sean, terrorists take over the amusement planet before he can lose his mind.
To stop the terrorists, White Ops will have to battle a weaponized planet, including cloned dinosaurs, giant sharks, animatronic amusements and a doomsday device that will destroy the planet.
And when the deadliest assassin alive joins the fray, whose side will he be on?
I had so much fun with this one.
Let’s just say that the entertainment planet, the “Happiest Place in the Galaxy” had a different name in the draft copy.
I think it’s now called Yesdin.
Or was it Yisden?
Either way, crossword enthusiasts will be amused cracking that particularly unimaginative cypher. You can see just how crafty and wily I am. That and an ACME box of Earthquake pills, I'll get that roadrunner any day now.
Anyhow, what you’re going to read was originally a 35 page short story. During the rewrite, I took one look at that and said, “Nah. I can have WAY more fun with this.” I took the original short and ballooned it. No, I didn’t pad it in any way. There are some threads that will be pulled, and pulled hard, in book 5. Just like there are threads in book 2 that culminate also in book 5.
Hell, who am I kidding? There are some threads in book 1 and 2 that get wrapped up in Main Street DOA.
Oh, and yes, I have a book 5 coming. Probably a book 12, if the outline holds up that long, and people keep reading it.
Speaking of people reading, if you’ve read White Ops and / or Politics Kills, please remember to review it/them.
And Main Street, DOA is available here.
Be well all.
Man you write faster than I can read. Currently reading White Ops and it is a hoot and just plain fun. Politics Kills is right behind when I get done with WO. Any chance the Ghost (or Spirit) of Pius XIII makes an appearance?
Characters. They just takeover don't they? BTW I finished WO and started PK. I love these guys. I just wish Sean smoked a cigar.