Our own Rob Kroese has been too principled to shill his own work on here, but that doesn't prevent me from commenting on quality when I see it. I'm a big fan of his writing, from the sly and clever The Big Sheep (which features IP law!) to the ass-kicking and mind-bending time travel epic of the Iron Dragon series (and how can anybody dislike Space Vikings or a very well-thought-out multi-layered time travel mechanism?).
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Project Spotlight: MAMMON: A Different Sort…
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Our own Rob Kroese has been too principled to shill his own work on here, but that doesn't prevent me from commenting on quality when I see it. I'm a big fan of his writing, from the sly and clever The Big Sheep (which features IP law!) to the ass-kicking and mind-bending time travel epic of the Iron Dragon series (and how can anybody dislike Space Vikings or a very well-thought-out multi-layered time travel mechanism?).