That was refreshingly honest and frankly a little moving. Bravo for the courage to stand up, speak out and move through the traumas of Life without drowning beneath the waves!

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We think it's strange too. (My husband also writes, we co-write, and we edit each other's writing so I do talk for him).

Why should someone want to know I garden if I don't write gardening books and thus, presumably, have some expertise in gardening.

We consider it part of the cost of doing business. Some people do care and so we give bits of ourselves and provide the illusion of intimacy without allowing real intimacy.

Great story, by the way. Younger son once took an 8-inch long pair of tweezers (in 2016) to high school to clean out the gunk in the lab drain and got hauled into the principal's office for having a dangerous weapon. Luckily, the assistant principal knew his helpful personality and dismissed the incident. She told us afterward that she remembered giving her boyfriend in high school a pocket knife that he proudly showed of in school and no one batted an eye.

We live in strange times.

Thanks for the illusion of intimacy!

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You end up wanting to know about the authors who make you think. So this is (probably) a compliment. :)

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Reminds me of the trouble Stephen King got into in school when he wrote a story about terrorists attacking his school and showed the story to his school friends.

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Well, you're never going to be short for a story at room parties. I congratulate you on your certified sanity. My HS had rather the reverse effect.

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That was a (very enjoyable) hoot.

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Well written and entertaining, so yes, it does make me want to read your books. Besides, with your life experience, you clearly have lots of imaginative fodder to draw from!

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