Bought and read after listening to the entire series. They really are independent of each other, such that watching one doesn't reveal the complete story of the other.
Jill is from what I'd call ... sword-tube. These people really care about accuracy in weapons and fighting styles--with Jill particular -tism being looking at armor. (It's from that, that the title of the book stems.) This space tends to be very non-ideological. The priority is being right about armor, weapons, tactics. Not being a commie or capitalist. I suspect that feeds writing convincing and compelling stories as well.
I'm not sure how well non-writers appreciate the meta-insanity of this story, but I love it.
"All my characters are setting boundaries like I gave them free will! Well, this is mine! I'm not writing that!"
Yeah. It was great. The book handled it surprisingly well.
This sounds hilarious. Not only is the book going on my "to-read" list, I've also subscribed to the YouTube channel!
I'm currently reading this! My characters talk to me All. The. Time. which doesn't mean I can just take dictation. I listen but the words don't flow.
Anyway, I can see Caroline's issue because she wants Rosamond, Leo, and Robin to behave like paper dolls according to her outline but they refuse.
It's interesting and different. Rosamond is much closer to reality than the norm. She's grieving for her husband. Worried about her children. Not 24!
I recommend it.
Bought and read after listening to the entire series. They really are independent of each other, such that watching one doesn't reveal the complete story of the other.
Jill is from what I'd call ... sword-tube. These people really care about accuracy in weapons and fighting styles--with Jill particular -tism being looking at armor. (It's from that, that the title of the book stems.) This space tends to be very non-ideological. The priority is being right about armor, weapons, tactics. Not being a commie or capitalist. I suspect that feeds writing convincing and compelling stories as well.
Err -- "while he was killed"? What he was doing while he was killed, or why he was killed?
(I may pick up the book.)
The book explains more
Mote blades than Marco?!😳 that's unimposdible😱🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ah, I love Jill Bearup. Guess I got her tag-line wrong though. I somehow thought it was “Just kill me now” instead of “Just stab me now.”