If you follow me on social media, you’ll know I can no longer see people wearing masks in public without being … agitated. It drives me insane, because every institution that insisted you mask up for two years has admitted that it had probably zero effect, and did absolutely nothing.
And NO ONE wants to talk about the increase in death by drug use or suicides during the same time period. So the methods used to “fight the pandemic” probably killed more people than they “saved.”
My best friend, who lives in Ohio, tells me that the country has moved on.
Meanwhile, this week, Holy week, I tried to go to confession. As you do. I couldn’t look at the priest, because he wore a mask in the confessional. When I told him that the mask gives me anxiety and I can’t look at it because it drives me crazy, he lectured me with a reading from the book of Fauci.
The church closed down on me and my wife and everyone for months, and this proast was BOASTING about how he was in a hospital ward. That’s nice. What about my wife, who uses church to control her anxiety? Where were they for her? No where, that’s where.
And he laughed at me, and my concerns, about my wife’s anxieties.
We were suffering, and he laughed at our pain.
You probably know that in the traditional Roman liturgical calendar the mighty feast of Pentecost had its own Octave. Pentecost was a grand affair indeed, liturgically speaking. In some places in the world such as Germany and Austria Pentecost Monday, Whit Monday as the English call it, was a reason to have a civil holiday, as well as a religious observance.
The Monday after Pentecost in 1970 His Holiness Pope Paul VI rose bright and early and went to the chapel for Holy Mass. Instead of the red he expected, there were green vestments laid out for him.
He queried the MC assigned that day, “What on earth are these for? This is the Octave of Pentecost! Where are the red vestments?”
“Santità,” quoth the MC, “this is now Tempus ‘per annum’. It is green, now. The Octave of Pentecost is abolished.”
“Green? That cannot be!”, said the Pope, “Who did that?”
“Holiness, you did.”
And Paul VI wept.
Paul VI didn’t even realize he had wiped out the Octave in Pentecost as part of the Novus Ordo.
I tell this story as a preface to the face that a Pope can be a complete and utter idiot.
Back in 2021, somewhere around March, I think, Pope Francis said that he made a mistake, that the Devil had used Covid and Church lockdowns to sow discord.
To which the answer is, “No f***ing sh**, did it take a direct revelation for you to figure that one out? You close church for nine months, and thought the Devil WOULDN’T be doing anything? We still believe in the Devil in this Church, don’t we?”
I’ve often heard replies that “there are no masks anymore” in the country. “It’s only New York and California that there’s a problem.
Tell that to my attempt to go to church in Texas. My friend Moira Greyland has asthma and anxiety and a few other things, so she can’t wear a mask. So she couldn’t go to mass.
My wife, who also suffers from anxiety, has problems wearing masks, and even has problems SEEING people wearing masks.
If you remember our trip to Italy in 2020, my general level of being pissed off makes me want to punch every idiot at mass wearing masks. This includes the priest.
My priests tell me that the masks are to reassure the vulnerable and the anxious in the parish.
Churches say that all their mandates are for “our weaker brethren” afraid of the Beer bug.
How about the suicides of 2020 and 2021?
How about the people who get anxiety over faceless masked people in masks?
How about those who go to church to treat their anxiety, and we were abandoned throughout 2020?
If your church has any mandates at all, its because they're cowards.
“They’re only following orders” isn't a valid excuse.
Absolutely agree with all of this!!!
I'm so sorry. As someone who lives in Ohio, I can't even imagine this is still going on. I cant' believe it went on as long as it did here, and my parish was one of first to stop wearing masks and all the rest. You know what happened to use when we did? NOTHING. No Covid surge, nothing. The way the Church as a whole rolled over and let governments dictate nonsense to us was awful -- and STILL DOING IT is just mind-boggling. Go find a parish with a priest that at the very least is complying because he HAS to, not because he WANTS to.