Absolutely agree with all of this!!!

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Right on.

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I'm so sorry. As someone who lives in Ohio, I can't even imagine this is still going on. I cant' believe it went on as long as it did here, and my parish was one of first to stop wearing masks and all the rest. You know what happened to use when we did? NOTHING. No Covid surge, nothing. The way the Church as a whole rolled over and let governments dictate nonsense to us was awful -- and STILL DOING IT is just mind-boggling. Go find a parish with a priest that at the very least is complying because he HAS to, not because he WANTS to.

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In Southern WV, I still see this going on... even double masking... alone... in a car. It's rare, and in the liberal enclave of Lewisburg and White Sulfur Springs (rarely in Beckley unless they're brainwashed college kids or octagenarians who believe everything their Dr and favorite TV news show tells them.

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As long as it's rare, and not mandated.

I can at least understand those people who have been broken by 2020. I'm sure I'm still a little cracked by it. I'm much less likely to swing for them these days.

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My attitude is much like how I view people with lethal food allergies. You do what YOU need to protect yourself. But do not expect, insist or demand anyone else take special precautions. If eating fish or peanuts would kill you, don't go to where they're at and understand nobody's required to protect you except yourself. I'm not giving myself a respiratory infection for your hypochondria.

One thing I did notice at the height of the Covidiocy was that those who legitimately worried about their own health took steps to do what they could to control their exposure. Those who were doing it to fit in (you know who you are) demanded others imitate them so they didn't look as crazy as they were. When someone demands you mask, I tell them you wear it if you just want 2 masks between us.

At one point, I seriously considered getting some aweful smelling spray and using it to prove they weren't protected. Because if you can smell skunk scent or fart spray or a bro's cologne, you're not protected against the couph.

As a point of disclosure, I was LITERALLY forced to flee a hair salon because of a mob ginned up by the store owner because I refused to mask up. And I'll never shop at Woodman's Grocery again because of their mask nazi managers. So I had some severely hostile interactions over masking. Two companies tried to fire me for refusing to mask or cover my nose till I threatened an OSHA lawsuit.

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Well said, Declan.

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why go to a novus dorko clown mass, mask or no mask?

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Deus Vult!

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I want to tell people who are wearing masks "Stop being such a drone."

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