Nailed it.

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Imagine a world where counting types and colors is more important than context or story, a world where there is no equality only equity…

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"You're about to enter, the Woke Zone."

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The content moderation at Tor's blog was the worst. Even the most anodyne pushback on their progressive worldview was censored. It's pitiful. They are completely undone by the idea that rational people might disagree with them.

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Well, what do you expect from a website that was set up by a bisexual anti-theist. Yes, really. I met the woman at ComicCon, then tripped over her profile on "OKCupid" (which used to be a dating website back in the day). Thin, tall (in platform shoes) some sort of goth knockoff...

It's like, "Wow, you'll screw anybody AND you hate people who believe in God. If you aren't NYC publishing wrapped up into a skinny little package." I wish I could remember her name.

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I'll go there to read the early release chapters for Wind and Truth, but that's it. Which is too bad. For a while there was some decent content that wasn't infected by politics, but these days they inject it into almost everything.

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This is the 2nd newsletter I have read. What a pleasure. this the same old marxist rant. (Lizzie Bourke) not interesting before from anybody, not interesting now.

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You're 100% right, but honestly I quit reading about half way though. Why? Because I couldn't give even 1X10^-9 micro micro fucks about what anyone from Tor thinks, and I'm not going to expend that much energy on hearing how wrongheaded they are. In short, it started to bore me. Yup, she's a soup sandwich. Yup, everything she thinks is wrongheaded. OK, moving on...

I refuse not only to care about her or their opinions, but to expend that much energy on someone who's irrelevant, and more and more, Trad Publishing is IRRELEVANT.

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I'm thinking of Heinlein and all the powerful characters he had that are not white cis hetero males -- even though he was born in the rural Midwest not long after 1900. Or all the not white male characters in the works of Niven, or Pournelle, or Hogan, or L. Neil Smith.

One of my favorite, not so well know, SF authors is Rolf Nelson. His novel "The stars came back" features at least three, probably more, strong female characters, and quite a lot of his characters are not white. And one of his most striking strong female characters is the AI that runs (or more accurately, IS) the starship.

Meanwhile, Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" comes to mind whenever one of these bigots goes around counting and classifying people by race, sex, or other random unimportant characteristics. MLK got this right, as did Neil Smith when he described some character as "John Smith, individual, unique product of the universe".

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