Boring is an underrated quality that everyone should strive for. Exciting generally means dangerous and not in the good way. Sometimes there are people and ideals that we must stand for, but most of the hills we die on are piles of garbage not worth the ink to describe. Exciting lives only matter when the fights are worthy. I went soul searching after the Iraq War. I was trying to process the dark deeds done under the banner I once worshipped. In your family you had your faith... in mine, that faith was in the ideals of our Founders. Since that day, I have come to accept the reality of what I learned. My government is a lie, maybe it always was? But the two things remain constant... blood and soil. I'll fight for my family (blood) and for my land (soil). Every other hill is a lie told to us by the powers that be who don't have our interests in mind.

I will sum up the only bits that matter in the form of a quote I was taught while worshipping at the alter of America.

"A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself." ~John Stuart Mill

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