"And yes, if you've heard that second plot before, it's only been duplicated about a dozen times since then, perhaps more."

Now, Declann, you have to remember that several of those were sanitized versions of what ATF actually admitted was their motive for conducting a military assault on the Davidian compound at Waco. They wanted an op to look badass for the cameras because there was a budget hearing coming up. Well, they got an op on camera, all right. Badass? Not so much.

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Yeah. The whole "setting civvies on fire" thing... not a good plan.

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Rambo is a strange series because the first movie was a book adaptation but at some point the series became Sylvester Stallone's baby. Which is why the second one isn't afraid of killing VietCong, and the third one has the Soviets as the unambiguous bad guys.

'The Sum of All Fears' movie is infamous. IIRC, Tom Clancy was so annoyed by the changes in the movie that he remarked to the effect that having Hollywood adapt your stories is like selling your daughter to prostitution.

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Stallone became a producer. He's savvy enough to take over everything he's involved with. David Morrell was confused, since he thought he wrote Moby Dick meets The Most Dangerous Game. And Rambo was the whale.

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The perpetual nazi trope is leftist guilt at not saving the Weimar republic. So they fight nazi or in Spsin's case the civil war.

Never commies because they're blood brothers. Jihadis the pitbulls to sic on the west because they're noble sand warriors.

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This has always been true. Why do PETA members throw paint on old ladies wearing fur coats?

Because old ladies are safe targets.

This is why they do NOT throw paint on Hell's Angels, decked out in head-to-toe leather.

The Hell's Angel would put them in the hospital or a grave.

It's so, so, so, so much easier and safer to pick the safe, easy target that won't fight back.

That's also why I never buy ANYONE claiming they'd be the one who doesn't salute Stalin.

Or stops applauding first.

Yes, they would salute. Or clap until their hands bleed, because it's too dangerous not to.

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