I used to get New York magazine from my library back when it was still a weekly.

I don't think it's even in print format anymore.

Anyway. I read it faithfully, like an anthropologist studying some weird jungle tribe. It was blatantly clear that it was as parochial a magazine as ever existed, because virtually nothing existed outside of certain areas of Manhattan and trendy, in-areas in the other boroughs, and the places where those people went on vacations or owned summer homes.

It was amazing to read.

It had NOTHING to do with the rest of us except they thought we should do what they told us.

It was on par with that great New Yorker cover of the world as seen from 9th Avenue.

Nothing exists outside the bubble.

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Ah, New York Magazine.

Definitely the people who think that Manhattan is a little island off the coast of Europe, and mostly representative of five square blocks in midtown.

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