"Do you believe in God? If yes ... they will come after you". Or they are doing so already.

With one exception: if you call him Allah, you're protected.

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And why? Because if you profane Allah, your life is at risk.

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The Olympics are run by atheists, pagans and mammon worshippers. They could not care less about anyone's God.

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I agree very much with you-the church of Christ needs to stop infighting and bickering amongst ourselves like the Scottish clans when we have the enemy of Edward Longshanks bearing down on us. Yes, there is a time and place to turn the other cheek, to show mercy, but there are also times to stand up, call evil what it is, and take up our whips and cat of nine tails and drive the profane out of the church and out of our land. The fact that this kind of abomination can be flaunted like it is, that blatant attacks can be made on churches and Christians, that preachers can be thrown into jail in nations once known for their zeal for Christ-this is the fault of the church itself for rolling over and giving in, for just pulling into our buildings and thinking we could just shut the world out. Well guess what? The barbarians have us surrounded and have torches and oil and flaming arrows ready to burn us in our own homes. When do we say enough is enough and show our love for Christ by fighting for Him and His honor?

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Not all those "persecuted" or actually *persecuted* are allies, so some caution is warranted. But as co-belligerants against a mutual foe? Quite welcome! (And it gives openings to sort out their doctrines more amicably, too.)

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints official response to the Book of Mormon musical included placing an advert in the playbill, to the effect that “The book is always better” and “You’ve seen the play, now read the book.” Also this press release: https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/church-statement-regarding-the-book-of-mormon-broadway-musical

Not seeing any institutional response, perhaps not surprising in the wake of the 2034 games.

I did find that Axios was happy to throw shade on various responses from LDS politicians: https://www.axios.com/local/salt-lake-city/2024/07/29/paris-olympics-ceremony-religion-last-supper-utah-winter-games

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Thank you for the press release. I now have something to use on social media. (Seriously, what goes on in Utah? That advert in the playbill is probably the best response to it. I ... I give up, really.)

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We may be a relatively young sect, but we've had some experience with being wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

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