I was wondering after your state's governor made those remarks a few weeks ago if you were going to make the move. Travel safe, good house-hunting. Enjoy the cons. [and what a gut-punch in Dark Web. No spoilers - I was kind of thinking it was coming but DANG! still wasn't ready for it]
Hooray! So glad you are coming to FenCon AND Dallas! We [/strikethrough on] moved here [/strikethrough off] ESCAPED from Portland Oregon back in 2016 to come out here to DFW, and found the EXCACT same things you are going to find- better housing values, better political climate, and everything else you could name. Welcome, and [hopefully!] see you at FenCon! :D
I wish you luck on the move. We're unpacking here in MN. We have the shelves and verticals for our thirty bookcases. Now I just have to find which box has the pins that hold them together.
YaY Declann - I started laughing when I read this because we are following each other! I'll be at BasedCon and at FenCon as well...
That's where all the Cool Kids are going! See you there!
I was wondering after your state's governor made those remarks a few weeks ago if you were going to make the move. Travel safe, good house-hunting. Enjoy the cons. [and what a gut-punch in Dark Web. No spoilers - I was kind of thinking it was coming but DANG! still wasn't ready for it]
Looking forward to #12 in October.
Still say you ought to come to Florida!
Hooray! So glad you are coming to FenCon AND Dallas! We [/strikethrough on] moved here [/strikethrough off] ESCAPED from Portland Oregon back in 2016 to come out here to DFW, and found the EXCACT same things you are going to find- better housing values, better political climate, and everything else you could name. Welcome, and [hopefully!] see you at FenCon! :D
Make sure wherever you land in Texas has a steady supply of water.
It's a dry area compared to the Atlantic seaboard; gardening will be quite different.
Glad you found the Trop gun shop. I've driven past it for decades but never went in.
It's one of many great points of interest in Central Pennsylvania.
I wish you luck on the move. We're unpacking here in MN. We have the shelves and verticals for our thirty bookcases. Now I just have to find which box has the pins that hold them together.
See you at Fencon!