Lovely riff on the Mark Antony speech

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This is a great post. I will reference it!

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“But all those people Don’t Count, because they HAD to be Catholics.”


“They couldn’t possibly have really believed That Stuff... because they were smart!”

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This might help me with something. Thanks, Declan!

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It takes a *LOT* of faith to be an atheist.

Thus, any contradiction of their religious view of the world (and atheism is a religion) must be countered at once lest heresy creep in.

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Atheists have been blathering on about the need for embryonic stem cell research for decades. There hasn't been a SINGLE treatment that's actually resulted from this research. What's worse for them is that adult stem cell research has produced several working treatments, and has been shown to be better in almost every way, without needing a large stream of dead embryos.

It really makes one think of the old Norman Spinrad novel _Bug Jack Barron_, where the antagonist has been treated with a treatment that required the death of a dozen children.

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Darwin had an ax to grind. He was an abolitionist. He did have his theory (and ignored his own implicit teleology but OK) and he thought that if people realized they came from common ancestors - animals they would realize that people were equal. He didn't expect slavery apologists to go on about imperfectly evolved subsets. I also wonder if Darwin hadn't read Mendel. He never got the play that Darwin did but he preceded Darwin.

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I'm sure Darwin cribbed. We know that Watson and Crick had Mendel's notebooks. Funny how they never footnoted him.

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One notes that if it were such an enemy, we couldn't all know they will instantly spring to Galileo. This proves he was not the rule.

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