Other cliches that must die:
The only kid. Most families in real life have 2-4. Though I'd like to more familes of 4+
The dysfunctional family.: can we quit it and show the proper dynamics
The worldwise kid. Yeah right. As if some 10 year old has accumulated more wisdom than a 30-80 year old
That's enough for now
Other cliches that must die:
The only kid. Most families in real life have 2-4. Though I'd like to more familes of 4+
The dysfunctional family.: can we quit it and show the proper dynamics
The worldwise kid. Yeah right. As if some 10 year old has accumulated more wisdom than a 30-80 year old
That's enough for now
I suspect the broken families are personal experience of the Holly weirdos.
I'm a kid from a dysfunctional family that married an only. Cliche to the max. And his family turned out to have issues also.