I suspect I'm passingly acquainted with said party. No loss.

But it's worse when it's kin, and somebody one was genuinely close to until X, who abruptly goes into gaslighiting/Ur-FoRgIvEd-BuTt-I-cAn;T-tRusT-U/cut-U-off-K-bye without even letting you know WHAT you're being DARVO'd over, or when you did it. If he wants to go his own way, sure. But if he's actively cutting me off and attacking me for seeking reconciliation? I don't have to enable nor play along with it: while the relationship we once had matters to me I will still fight *for peace*. But when he libels me and *actively trying to destroy my livelihood* for seeking mediation, I'm done.

Murum ares attigit, mater copulator.

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Tis worse when it's family.

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Jun 10Liked by Declan Finn

Forgiveness does not imply permission to be abused! It does not reinstate trust. It is never charitable to allow one to abuse you - it harms them more than you. It is especially egregious when others than yourself are maligned, harassed, abused. Do not engage. Close that door. Walk away.

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When someone tells you who and what they are, especially via their behavior, believe them!

It is possible for someone to remake themselves into a better person but it takes more than nice, cheap words. It takes atonement, repentance, hard work, and plenty of time.

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I forgive you for libeling me on this. Please stop though, Declan. This is beyond ridiculous over a 9/11 meme.

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If you think this is "about you," feel free to have your lawyer send me a cease and desist letter. A physical one I have to sign for.

I will call him, set up an appointment, and he and I can walk through every single one of my social media posts that he believes is "about you."

And I'll happily delete them.

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I don't get why you act like this, my brother in Christ. Obviously not going to spend money on a lawyer because you're posting insane things on the internet. We should be working together to change the culture for His glory.

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