Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) is 5'8". She looks short because the rest of the cast is really tall.

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Look at the current iteration of Lara Croft in cartoons-- who looks like a man. Or She-Hulk after the mastectomy, or "Abby" from The Last of Us 2.

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I would have sworn I brought this up in a recent post, since this kept cropping up throughout 2016. I believe it was when I fisked Lizzy Bourke into Tuesday.

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Which is why, back in the dark ages, Mrs. Emma Peel was trained in Savate. By a real maitre, who had trained women for the rings. One, his system used tools, and second, the leg focus helped address the size issues. Yes, they messed that up in the remake.

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Remake? I only remember Diana Rigg.

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16 hrs agoLiked by Declan Finn

This is what gives me a bit of hope for the John Wick spinoff "Ballerina". In the trailer, the protagonist's instructor says "You will always be weaker. You will always be smaller. You want to win? Improvise. Adapt. Cheat!" Queue the groin-stomp.

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That was also encouraging to me.

Though I must admit, I'm so cautious about modern films, I haven't even opened John Wick 4 yet

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My main cast of "The Last Solist" is full of Strong Female Characters.

They got that way through magic, genetic modification, a S(YAY!)T load of training, and even they try to make fights as unfair as humanly possible in THEIR favor.

They know all too well that they can't trade punch for punch-they don't have the mass.

They have to fight fast, fight hard, fight mean, and go for the jugular or they'll get stomped into the ground.

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Thank you for schooling me on this. I need to make sure the female superhero characters I write about fight with some variety besides brawling (and most of them are short, with one exception).

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You know why it's happening: the culture that has infected both Hollywood and most of the major publishing houses, enforced mostly by those who can't actually create, demands it. They have no conception of the real world, only gender studies and CRT, so they don't even understand that having a woman not only do what the man can do but do it better is jumping the shark. Not saying a woman couldn't deliver similar results with different methods more suited to her strengths, but having them constantly trade blows in full on cage fights with big tough men is just not believable, and audiences are turning away. Movies that have even a whiff of girlboss to them now appear to be dead on arrival, there have been too many IPs absolutely trashed by inserting a female character that shows up the nominally star male in every way; the audiences for action movies are primarily male and we are sick of it.

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Yes, but it was different in 2016. I'm still not 100% convinced that Hillary's very nomination led to all that BS. Because yeesh, that all started early in the year.

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It's been coming for a long time, you can only see it in retrospect.

I love me some Luc Besson, but La Femme Nikita is an early example, as is, to a lesser extent, The Fifth Element. Toss in The Messenger, Columbiana (which he didn't direct but produced and shared a writing credit on; that movie was originally written for Natalie Portman as a sequel to The Professional but she refused to do it) and Lucy and it's easy to see he's been doing this for a long time, he's just better at it.

Kill Bill? Cool hotness in its day, much better done than current offerings but still part of the pattern, and the plot line is pure third wave feminism.

As much as I enjoyed it (and feel that if there was ever a female actress that can pull it off, it was Gina Carano before she stopped training) Haywire belongs on this list and it was made in 2011. Salt was in 2010 and Tomb Raider was even earlier than that, although it might get a pass as a video game IP but why exactly was the main character of those action games a girl?

These are just the low hanging fruit that I can think of quickly off of the top of my head. And it's not just movies, fiction has run a parallel path over the same time frame.

This shift didn't happen quickly around 2016, it built up slowly but surely over 20+ years leading up to it. I don't mind a little representation and inclusion but it's clear to see the pattern where the straight white guy can no longer be anything but the villain, and the good guys are always PoC or females, with some plucky gay sidekicks thrown in. Hollywood has always had a propaganda element to it but it has recently become very unsubtle, and they have taken over a lot of the publishing world as well. It's just like everything else leftists do, they eventually turn the knob to 11 and are totally ham handed in execution so that you can't help but feel like it is being rubbed in your face and I think we are at the point they are doing that on purpose.

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