Sitemap - 2022 - Declan’s Newsletter

The Great #BlackFriday / #CyberMondayBook Sale


Review: John C Wright's Somewhither

Escape From New York

On the Road... Again

Shoot the Devil

The Dark Web Drops

Dark Web is coming

Review: Dan Humphrey's "Fade."

Fisking the Atlantic's fear of the Rosary

Amazon: Threat or Menace?

Saint Tommy & the NYPD

Two quickies

Final Dragon

A short biography of a Catholic Author

On the Road Again

Father's Day

The Cliches that need to die.

Son of the Dragon (Awards)

Before our Escape from Italy

Review: Monster Hunter Files

Destiny and Destroying Rome

Review: The Romanov Rescue by Kratman, Ezell & Watson

St Tommy Abroad

Coven: Upping the Ante

Building a Saint

Writing Death Cult

Review: Into the Real by Ringo and Lydia Sherrer

Writing MS-13 as villain

Review: Hell Spawn by Declan Finn

Enter: Hell Spawn

House of the Dragon (Awards)

Saint Tommy, Locked and Loaded

Review: Monster Hunter Vendetta

Updates and Cover Reveals

Review: Monster Hunter International, by Larry Correia

Review: My Luck, by Mel Todd

Church Fails

A Silver Empire Falls

Review: White Ops, by Declan Finn

10 Years published

Review: Main Street, DOA, by Declan Finn

Merging Dragon Awards

Main Street D.O.A. drops Tomorrow

Just Joshing Episode 725: Declan Finn

Review: Death Cult by Declan Finn

Review: Isekai Skies

Bad Romance: An Auction, Politics and Bad Actors

Declan Finn and Nico Pengin

Author interview with NBC

Creating an Alien

Review: Politics Kills, by Declan Finn

Writing the Future... again

Politics Kills Drops tomorrow

Review: Alternate Routes, by Tim Powers

Review: Monster Punk Horizon, by HP Holo

Declan Finn! (Geek Gab, Episode 263!)

Red Dragon (Award)

Review: Auditors of Doom by Roy M. Griffis

Review: Summer Storm, by Morgon Newquist

Review: Seize What's Held Dear, by Karl Gallagher

Live From the Bunker 360: Declan Finn Finally Publishes His First Novel

White Ops Reviewed

Review: Sherlock Holmes and the Shadwell Shadows by James Lovegrove

Review: Mel Todd's No Choice

Review: The Fourth Bear of God, by Denton Salle

Review: Dragonheart by Charles Edward Pogue

B&B 114: Episode 114: Declan Finn, Interstellar Space Daddy!

Critical Blast Podcast

Review: White Ops, by Declan Finn

Writers Room: White Ops

Release Day: White Ops

What is White Ops?

Review: A Pius Man - A Holy Thriller by Declan Finn

Review: Chalk by N.R. LaPoint

Reviews & Updates

What makes Hell Spawn Different

Review: Flight of Vengeance by Andre Norton with P.M. Griffin & Mary Schaub

The Douglas Coleman Show w Nicole Fanning and Declan Finn

Sex and Violence

Remembering Mike Resnick: The Widowmaker turns 25

Review: Maxwell Cain: Burrito Avenger

Saint Tommy isn't done yet

Review: Hell Spawn by Declan Finn

Character Creation: Sean P Ryan

Review: Between Home and Ruin, by Karl K. Gallagher